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Be Well Prepared for Your Classroom


Our Elementary Education (K-6)

Elementary teachers can make a world of difference in the life of children. They encourage, nurture, instruct and educate young people during the crucial early years of their development. Elementary educators work with young learners (K-6), teaching skills and knowledge that form the foundation of learning. Teaching at this level requires a unique combination of content knowledge, pedagogy, understanding of individual development and learning styles, and familiarity with learners' families and communities.

Where you'll learn:

Online and on-campus in St. Paul and Minneapolis

When to start:

Year round

Coursework for Licensure

You may have completed some of these requirements as an undergraduate, our admissions team will help you to determine which requirements, if any, are met via the transcript review process.

Credits for license and MA: 42+

Required courses for the license:
TEGR 510 Education: Issues and Policies
TEGR 512 Diversity and Cultural Competence
TEGR 530 Psychology for Teaching and Learning
TEGR 532 Field Experience II: Learning & Teaching
TEGR 550 Language Development, Literacy and Literature
TEGR 570 Language Development, Literacy and Literature II
TEGR 571 Teaching Mathematics and Technology
TEGR 572 Teaching Science and Healthy Living
TEGR 573 Teaching Social Studies and Arts
TEGR 537 Field Experience III: Curriculum and Instruction
CIED 551 Learning Design with Technology
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar: Student Teaching
CIED 670 Assessment for Learning

TEGR 640 Teaching Mathematics with Conceptual Understanding in the P-12 Classroom
MATH xxx College-Level Math Elective
BIOL xxx Lab Science: Life Science (Example: BIOL 101)
CHEM or PHYS xxx Lab Science: Physical Science (Example: CHEM 111, PHYS 101)
GEOL xxx Lab Science: Earth-Space (Example: GEOL 111)

TEGR 570 Language Development, Literacy, & Lit II
TEGR 571 Teaching Math & Technology
TEGR 572 Teaching Science & Healthy Living
TEGR 573 Teaching Social Studies & Arts
TEGR 537 Field Experience III - taken with TEGR 570 (40 hours)
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar