Coursework for Licensure
Below is the coursework needed to fulfill licensure requirements in Minnesota. Our admissions team will help you to determine which requirements if any are met via the transcript review process. As a reminder, a bachelor's degree in music is required to be eligible to apply for this program.
Credits for license and MA: 34+
Required courses for the license:
TEGR 510 Education: Issues and Policies
TEGR 512 Diversity and Cultural Competence
TEGR 530 Psychology for Teaching and Learning
TEGR 532 Field Experience II: Learning & Teaching
EDUC 207 Early Elementary Music Methods PK-2
EDUC 307 Intermediate Elementary Music Methods 3-5
EDUC 314 Secondary Music Methods 6-12
EDUC 418 Choral/Instrumental Music Methods
TEGR 542 Field Experience III: Curriculum and Instruction
CIED 551 Learning Design with Technology
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar: Student Teaching
Instrumental Music Requirements (if not taken as undergraduate)
CIED 670 Assessment for Learning
Electives (7 credits)
EDUC 110 Introduction to Music Education
EDUC 218 Tchg Techniques Brass Family [Fall-Even]
EDUC 220 Teaching Techniques Percussion Family [Spr-Even]
EDUC 221 Tchg Techniques Woodwind Family [Spr-Even]
EDUC 324 Tchg Techniques String Family [Spr-Odd]
EDUC 362 Vocal Pedagogy for Singers [Fall-Even]
MUSC 354 Advanced Conduction and Materials: Instrumental
MUSC 001 Student Convocation Hour (6 semesters)
MUSC 101 Piano Skills I
MUSC 102 Piano Skills II
MUSC 113 Music Theory I
MUSC 114 Music Theory II
MUSC 133 Music of the U.S.: Aural & Written Traditions
MUSC 201 Piano Skills III
MUSC 202 Piano Skills IV
MUSC 213 Music Theory III
MUSC 214 Music Theory IV
MUSC 231 Introduction to Conducting I
MUSC 233 Music of the World: Aural & Written Tradition
MUSC 411 History & Literature of Music I;
MUSC 412 History & Literature of Music II
MUSN 185 or 186 Ensemble (6 semesters) see catalog for selection guidelines
MUSP 103 Skills for Piano Proficiency piano majors only
MUSP 3xx Performance Studies (6 semesters)
MUSR 200 Piano Proficiency
MUSR 270 Level I Recital
MUSR 350 Level II Recital
PHYS 105 Musical Acoustics
EDUC 207 Music Methods PreK - 2
EDUC 307 Music Methods Grades 3-5
EDUC 314 Music Methods Grades 6-12
EDUC 418 Instrumental Music Methods
TEGR 542 Field Experience III - 40 hours
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar
CIED 551 Learning Design with Technology