Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Learning
Our Doctor of Education (EdD) in Educational Leadership and Learning prepares current and future K-12, higher education and adult education leaders to engage in and advocate for continuous improvement, systematic reform and social justice within educational institutions and communities. All courses can be completed online, plus a Summer Residency (face-to-face or online). Concentrations or program tracks include: Director of Special Education and Principal Licensure (PK-12), Higher Education Administration, Music Education, Leadership in Student Affairs, Adult Learning, and Learning Technology Leadership and Innovation.
The EdD Program provides professional preparation experiences for a variety of K-12 education careers, including peer coach, principal, central office leader or director, and superintendent of schools. The doctoral program also supports those in higher education careers, such as student affairs professional; tenure-track, adjunct and clinical faculty; chair; dean and administrator. We also support those interested in adult education careers, including adult basic education (ABE), community education and organizing, cooperative extension, health education, and social advocacy in non-formal sectors. You can also earn your Principal or Director of Special Education administrative licensure.
Students will be challenged to engage in critical thinking, consider and expand their perspectives, acquire knowledge regarding research and best practices in education, and act as allies and activists for educational reform and social justice. As graduates, you'll use the knowledge and effective practices to facilitate continuous improvement and systemic reform by collaborating with others to ensure equity, access and opportunity for all children and adults learning in educational and community settings. All for the common good.
Where You'll Learn: Students can participate either online or in person for all courses.
When To Start: The next doctoral cohort will start in the summer of 2025.