Educators who are Academic Behavioral Strategists (ABS) evaluate and specially design instruction for children and youth from kindergarten through age 21. They work to assist children and youth with mild to moderate needs in the areas of academics, behavior, social, emotional, communication and functional performance. These students come from the primary disability areas of autism spectrum disorders, developmental disabilities, emotional behavioral disorders, other health disabilities and learning disabilities.
Educators specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) work toward discovering the ways that ASD challenges a student in communication, socialization and behaviors, and affect a student's thinking and perceiving, sensory processing, and motor, vocational, academic and organizational skills.
Educators specializing in Developmental Disabilities (DD) provide personalized instruction using skills in assessing intellectual ability, adaptive behavior, academic achievement and functional skills while collaboratively designing effective instruction that promotes interdependence, productivity and inclusion in the community.
Educators specializing in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) learn to assess and provide instruction for children ages birth through six with motor, sensory, health, communication, social-emotional or cognitive disabilities. We emphasize working as collaborative team members with families and other professionals so that children with disabilities can thrive in their natural environments.
Educators specializing in Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) teach students whose emotional and/or behavioral disabilities interfere with their acquisition of academic, vocational and social skills. Educators gain skills in differentiating instruction, assessing challenging behavior and implementing effective classroom management and positive behavioral support.