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Todd Busch


Special Education

  • Expertise
  • Special Education

  • Research Interests
  • Academic progress monitoring and Response to Intervention (RTI)


Dr. Todd Busch has been a faculty member at the University of St. Thomas since 2008. He currently teaches courses in assessment and academic interventions.

Before joining the faculty at the University of St. Thomas he was an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina and an associate professor and department chair for the Special Populations Department at Minnesota State University-Mankato.

Todd conducts research in the area of academic progress monitoring and Response to Intervention (RTI). For the last five years Todd has served as a trainer for the National Center on Response to Intervention. Todd has trained nationally on the topics of RTI and progress monitoring. His publications include articles and book chapters on alternative assessment, general outcome measures and response to intervention. Before entering higher education, Dr. Busch worked as both a general and special education teacher in secondary-level schools.