Coursework for Licensure
Below is the coursework needed to fulfill licensure requirements in Minnesota. Our admissions team will help you to determine which requirements if any are met via the transcript review process.
Credits for license and MA: 34+
Required courses for the license:
TEGR 510 Education: Issues and Policies
TEGR 512 Diversity and Cultural Competence
TEGR 530 Psychology for Teaching and Learning
TEGR 532 Field Experience II: Learning & Teaching
TEGR 519 Curriculum & Instruction (5-12): Social Studies
TEGR 546 Field Experience III: Curriculum & Instruction
TEGR 585 Reading for the 5-12 Teacher
CIED 551 Learning Design with Technology
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar: Student Teaching
Social Studies Licensure Requirements (if not taken as undergraduate)
CIED 670 Assessment for Learning
Social Studies Co-Major Requirements
ENVR 151 Environmental Challenges & Sustainable Solutions
POLS 104 American Government in Comparative Perspective
PSYC 111 General Psychology
SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 301 General Anthropology
ECON 251 Principles of Macroeconomics
Plus one (4 credits) of:
HIST 111 Origins of the Modern World to 1550
HIST 112 The Modern World Since 1550
HIST 115 The World Since 1900
Plus one (4 credits) of:
HIST 113 Early America in Global Perspective
HIST 114 The Modern U.S. in Global Perspective
Plus one non-US history elective (4 credits):
HIST 117 Latin America in Global Perspective
HIST 118 Middle East and North Africa in Global Perspective
HIST 119 East Asian Civilizations in Global Perspective
HIST 231 Empires & Nations of the Middle East
HIST 240 Foundations of Chinese Civilization
HIST 241 The History of Modern China
HIST 244 Modern East Asia
HIST 293 Topics in History of Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East
HIST 303 History of Modern Brazil
HIST 309 Urban Latin America
HIST 349 History of the Ottoman Empire (1300-1922)
HIST 375 Non-State Actors in the Islamic World
HIST 395 Topics in History of Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Middle East
Plus one (4 credits) of:
GEOG 111 Human Geography
GEOG 113 World Geography
Plus six courses (24 credits):
In one of the social science disciplines (economics, geography, history, political science, psychology or sociology); Courses are subject to departmental approval
TEGR 519 C&I: (5-12) Social Studies *offered Fall only
TEGR 536 Field Experience III - taken with TEGR 519 (40 hours)
TEGR 585 Reading for the 5-12 Teacher
TEGR 660 Clinical Practice & Seminar
CIED 551 Learning Design with Technology